Navajo Nation

Permaculture projects and education classes for youth.

The Navajo are 67 times more likely than other Americans to live without running water or a toilet. In addition, over 50% of Navajos live more than 100 miles away from the nearest grocery store, creating a daunting food desert that has led to the highest per capita rate of diabetes. That's an injustice.

Wristsponsible is working with the Water is Life and the Permaculture Provision Project to implement household water systems and to create long term food forests around communities in the Navajo Nation. We implemented our first project in August 2016 and have plans for more water and food projects in 2018.

Our projects are community-led that empower the Navajo people. Community members and local leaders work with the comunity to implement a range of local water solutions.  these water solutions include rain water capture tanks, basic hygiene sanitation systems and Permaculture food farms.